Himachal Pradesh Cabinet Breaking 2023: Himachal Pradesh cabinet meeting was chaired by CM Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu, Know All The Big Decisions.
Himachal Pradesh Cabinet Breaking News 2023Â BY KUMUD SHARMA
Himachal Pradesh Cabinet Breaking News 2023–
Himachal Pradesh cabinet meeting was chaired by CM Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu. 1500 per month as Indira Gandhi Mahila Samman Nidhi to all eligible women of Spiti Valley, including chamois/nuns of age 18 years and above.
The cabinet decided to give Rs 600 to all eligible students in lieu of school uniform through DBT.
It was decided to set up a cabinet sub-committee under the chairmanship of Deputy CM Mukesh Agnihotri to prepare a white paper on the financial position of the state.
Agriculture Minister Chandra Kumar and Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Minister Anirudh Singh will be its members.
The cabinet also approved the introduction of e-stamping in the state for collection of stamp duty to promote Ease of Doing Business.
It was decided to stop the printing of physical stamp papers with immediate effect and to authorize stamp vendors as authorized collection centres.
It also permitted the continuation of the dual system of stamps, i.e. physical stamp paper and e-stamp paper, from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024 and physical stamp paper would be completely phased out after April 1, 2024.
Important Announcement By Himachal Pradesh Suukhvinder Singh Sukhu Cabinet Breaking 2023-
1.Cabinet Breaking Government increased the honorarium of watchmen Honorarium increased from Rs 5000 to Rs 5500 1950 watchmen will get benefits.
2.Cabinet Breaking The government increased the honorarium of numberdars Honorarium increased from Rs 3200 to Rs 3700 3177 numberdars of the state will get benefits.
3.Financial condition of Himachal to prepare a white paper on Cabinet sub-committee will be formed.
4.cabinet breaking Honorarium of numberdars increased by Rs 500 in revenue department.
These decisions were taken in today’s cabinet meeting, first of all read on Diarytimes-
1.In the State Cabinet meeting held here today under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Thakur Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu, it was decided that all eligible women of Spiti Valley who are 18 years and above will be given Rs.1500 per month as Indira Gandhi Mahila Samman Nidhi. It also includes Chhomo or nuns.
2.It was decided in the meeting that a cabinet sub-committee would be constituted under the chairmanship of Deputy Chief Minister Mukesh Agnihotri, in which Agriculture Minister Prof. Chandra Kumar and Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Minister Anirudh Singh will join as members.
3.The cabinet gave its approval to start e-stamping in the state for collection of stamp duty with a view to promote ease of doing business. During the meeting, it was decided that printing of stamp papers should be stopped with immediate effect and stamp vendors should be authorized as authorized collection centres. It was decided by the cabinet that the dual system of stamp paper and e-stamp paper will be continued from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024 and physical stamp paper will be completely discontinued from April 01, 2024.
4.During the meeting, all eligible students will be provided Rs 600 for school uniform through Direct Benefit Transfer.
5.As per the budget announcement, the cabinet gave approval to increase the honorarium of numberdars of revenue department from Rs.3200 to Rs.3700 per month. 3177 Nambardars of the state will be benefited by this decision.
6.During the meeting, it was decided to increase the honorarium of revenue watchman and part-time worker from Rs 5,000 to Rs 5,500 per month, which will benefit about 1,950 beneficiaries of the state.
7.The Cabinet decided to amend the Golden Jubilee Energy Policy-2021 under which transfer of land can be done for setting up solar energy and new and renewable energy projects on lease, purchase, acquisition basis. This decision will be implemented under the applicable provisions of various Acts in this regard.
8.During the meeting, it was decided to increase the court fee from Rs 6 to Rs 20 for filing applications or petitions in revenue courts, verification of affidavits or other documents in civil courts other than the High Court.
Read More-Himachal Pradesh Cabinet Meeting- Sukhu Government Cabinet meeting on May 3
9.The cabinet decided to constitute Atal Tunnel Yojana area and to stop the existing land use of Atal Tunnel Yojana area. The revenue villages of district Lahaul-Spiti are also included in the Atal Tunnel Yojana area.
10.During the meeting, it was decided to increase the Certain Goods Carried Roads (CGCR) tax on Pan Masala, Pan Chutney and all tobacco products containing tobacco or tobacco substances from Rs 3 to Rs 4.50 per quintal.
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11.The Cabinet approved to fill 50 posts of Junior Engineer (Civil) and 30 posts of Junior Draftsman in Public Works Department.
12.During the meeting, approval was given to fill 15 posts of Assistant Engineer (Civil) and 50 posts of Junior Engineer (Civil) in Jal Shakti Department through direct recruitment.
13.The Cabinet approved filling up of 3 vacant posts of Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies in Cooperative Department and 4 posts of Lecturer in AYUSH Department through direct recruitment in Rajiv Gandhi Government Post Graduate Ayurvedic College, Paprola, district Kangra.
 145 posts will be filled in Lonivi and Jal Shakti Department-
The cabinet meeting chaired by CM Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu, approval has been given to fill the vacant posts in some departments.
Under this, 50 posts of Junior Engineer (Civil) and 30 posts of Junior Draftsman will be filled in Public Works Department.
Apart from this, the cabinet approved to fill 15 posts of Assistant Engineer (Civil) and 50 posts of Junior Engineer (Civil) directly through direct recruitment in Jal Shakti Department.
Sanction was given to fill 3 vacant posts of Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies in Cooperative Department and 4 posts of Lecturer in AYUSH Department through direct recruitment in Rajiv Gandhi Government Post Graduate Ayurvedic College, Paprola, District Kangra.
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