Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu said that temporary recruitment of teachers will not be done in the state. Whenever the state government will recruit teachers, it will be done only and only through the Public Service Commission. No recruitment will be done from backdoor. The state government has formed a committee and information has been sought from it about the vacant posts of teachers. The state government is working with complete transparency and this process will continue in future as well.
It may be noted that after the cabinet sub-committee meeting at the state secretariat on Tuesday, Industries Minister Harsh Vardhan Chouhan had told that thousands of temporary teachers will be recruited in Himachal Pradesh only on the basis of educational qualification without interview. These appointments will be for two or three years in schools in tribal and remote areas. Under the policy, the education director of the state cadre and the district’s recruitment will be done by the deputy director.
Like regular recruitment, reservation roster and recruitment and promotion rules will be applicable in these. The recruitment of spokespersons will be at the state level. The merit of TET will be seen along with the marks obtained by the candidate in 10th, 12th and graduation. Industries Minister Harshvardhan Chouhan, chairman of the cabinet sub-committee formed to find employment opportunities in the state, had said that a large number of posts of teachers are vacant in tribal and remote areas. This is affecting the studies of the students.
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