Bilaspur: RTO caught 9 buses in 10 days, collected 25 lakh fine

Bilaspur RTO caught 9 buses in 10 days, collected 25 lakh fine
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Bilaspur, 05 December: In Bilaspur district of Himachal Pradesh, a special campaign is being run under the Regional Transport Office to crack down on private bus operators who do not pay taxes.

In this episode, the department seized a private bus for not paying taxes worth lakhs. The bus operator has not paid taxes worth about 11.61 lakhs for the last six years.

RTO Bilaspur Rajesh Kaushal said that while taking action against bus operators who do not pay taxes on time, RTO Bilaspur has so far seized about nine vehicles while a fine of Rs 25 lakh has been collected.

He said that there are 6 to 7 dozen bus operators who have not yet deposited the tax.

He said that a special campaign has been launched to crack down on bus operators who do not follow the rules. This campaign will be run till December 15.

Sourabh Jaiswal

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