Monkey census will be conducted in Himachal Pradesh from 26 to 28 December


Monkey census is being conducted in Himachal Pradesh after four years

Monkey census will be conducted in Himachal Pradesh from 26 to 28 December
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Dharamshala, 05 December: The new data of the number of monkeys in the state will be released soon by the Wildlife Department. For this, monkeys are being counted in Himachal Pradesh after four years. This process will run for three days from 26 to 28 December.

Field staff will be trained before the census. For this, a one-day workshop will be organized at Dharamshala College on December 12.

CCF Saroj Bhai Patel of Wildlife Department Dharamshala Circle said that earlier monkeys were counted in the state in December 2019. At that time, the figure of 3.16 lakh monkeys in the state was prepared.

Now after four years, monkeys are being counted again in the state. The counting work will be completed by the Wildlife Department through SECON, an organization from outside the state.

He said that the calculation data will be loaded into the software and verified as well, after which the final report will be prepared.

Sourabh Jaiswal

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