Hamirpur : So far one hundred and four children have been selected under CM Sukhashray Yojana in Hamirpur district
Hamirpur : So far one hundred and four children have been selected under CM Sukhashray Yojana in Hamirpur district
So far, one hundred and four children have been selected under the Chief Minister’s Sukhashray Yojana in Hamirpur district. Apart from this, eleven cases have been sent for approval, while ten other cases are being investigated.
District Program Officer Balveer Birla has said that the Women and Child Development Department is making every possible effort to provide timely benefits of this scheme to the eligible children.
He said – Mukhyamantri Sukhashray Yojana is in this scheme, those children who are in the age group of 18 to 27 years are destitute and another category has been added to it that if the parents of those children remain ill due to serious illness and are unable to do any work. We also cover their children in such a scheme.
At present also we have one hundred and four such children in district Hamirpur who have been motivated for this scheme. Till now we have sent eleven cases which are the differences of this scheme to our department for their approval.
Ten more applications have come to us, which we are investigating at our level, we are investigating and soon we will send them to all the tehsils we have. Under this scheme, the government will pay the fees for the education of destitute children and their business courses, under the scheme, an amount of up to three lakh rupees has been given to such children to build a house.
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