Himachal: Institutes Offering Management And Computer Courses Affiliated To HPU Will Have To Take Approval From AICTE.
It has now been made mandatory for all the institutes offering management and computer courses affiliated to Himachal Pradesh University to obtain the approval of AICTE. New batches can be started in the new session only after getting approval from the council. Instructions have been issued by Himachal Pradesh University to all the institutions on the orders of UGC.
Himachal Pradesh University - Photo: Diary Times
Himachal Pradesh University has made it mandatory for all its affiliated institutes running management and computer application courses to obtain permission from the All India Council of Technical Education to start new batches of courses for the next session.
Regarding the approval of AICTE, guidelines have been issued by the Registrar of Himachal Pradesh University to all the institutions running management and computer application courses in himachal pradesh.
While issuing the complete notification by the Registrar of Himachal Pradesh University, it has been said that the Chairman of All India Council for Technical Education, Following the orders issued by Prof. TG Sitharam, it has been made mandatory to obtain permission from All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) for BBA, BCA, BMS courses running in all the institutes of Himachal Pradesh.
The entire notification along with the orders issued by Himachal Pradesh University on behalf of AICTE has also been uploaded on the official website of the university.
All these courses are being conducted in Himachal Pradesh University campus and in Himachal Pradesh University’s own management and computer institutes and colleges.
Courses like BCA are being conducted in most of the big colleges across Himachal Pradesh, while on the other hand, BBA courses are also being conducted in some institutes of Himachal Pradesh.
Now it has been made mandatory for all the colleges offering management and computer courses to take approval from AICTE before the start of the new session, only after that the courses can be conducted by all the institutes of himachal pradesh.
Academic Bank of Credit will be implemented by HPU in session 2024 –
Himachal Pradesh University is going to implement the decision of UGC to link all the students of higher education institutions with the national level Academic Bank of Credit. Registrar of Himachal Pradesh University, Dr. Virendra Sharma has issued a notification to link it with the national level Academic Bank of Credit of UGC.
According to the notification, now every student taking admission in every UG, PG, Degree, Diploma course in Himachal Pradesh University is going to open an account in Academic Bank of Credit.
The complete academic record of every college student is going to be uploaded online under the account of Academic Bank of Credit.
Himachal Pradesh University has issued a notification saying that Academic Bank of Credit Account (ABC Account) will be opened for all the students of all the affiliated colleges, HPU campus, own institutes of Himachal Pradesh University taking admission in the new session, in the ABC account every The student is going to be given user ID and password online.
Himachal Pradesh University Dean of Studies Prof. BK Shivram said that Himachal Pradesh University is making efforts to start the new facility of ABC account for the last two years, some students have also been registered for ABC account under ABC account.
Now notification for opening ABC account has been issued by Himachal Pradesh University.
From this it has become clear that Himachal Pradesh University is now going to implement all the rules related to Academic Bank of Credit Account (ABC Account) as per the orders of UGC.
UGC is going to provide the facility to all the students to view and download their records online through ABC account.
Dean Studies, Himachal Pradesh University, Professor BK Shivram said that technical and academic committees have been formed to effectively implement the new facility of ABC account at the Himachal Pradesh University level and soon the records of the students registered in every new and old ABC will be updated. Separate staff arrangements are also going to be made for uploading it on the national level UGC portal.
Also, Dean Studies, Himachal Pradesh University, Professor BK Shivram said that special attention has been given to ABC account in the National Education Policy also.
On the recommendation of the Standing Committee of the Academic Council, a decision has been taken to implement the ABC account and adopt the orders in the meeting of the Himachal Pradesh University Executive Council held on 23 December 2023. Complete notification regarding ABC account has been issued by Himachal Pradesh University.
Himachal Pradesh University Dean Studies Professor BK Shivram also said that lakhs of new and old students of Himachal Pradesh University are going to create new ABC accounts and all those students will also be issued ID password, in which each student will have his own academic account and record.
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