HPBOSE: Himachal Pradesh Education Board Announces Tet Dates, See Complete Schedule Here
Secretary of Himachal Pradesh Education Board, Dharamshala, Dr. Vishal Sharma told Diary Times correspondent Kumud Sharma that in view of the TET examinations, all the examination centers created across Himachal Pradesh will open for JBT candidates from 9 am on Sunday, 26th November And The shift of Shastri exam has been scheduled in the 6 pm session.
HPBOSE: Himachal Pradesh Education Board Announces Tet Dates, See Complete Schedule Here
Diary Times Media Network, Dharamshala
Kangra – Himachal Pradesh Education Board Dharamshala has announced the dates of TET examinations.
Also, Himachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh Education Board has also released the complete schedule of TET exam dates.
Secretary of Himachal Pradesh Education Board, Dharamshala, Dr. Vishal Sharma told Diary Times correspondent Kumud Sharma that in view of the TET examinations, all the examination centers created across Himachal Pradesh will open for JBT candidates from 9 am on Sunday, 26th November And The shift of Shastri exam has been scheduled in the 6 pm session.
Himachal Pradesh School Education Board Dharamshala released the entire Himachal Pradesh TET exam dates –
Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education Dharamshala (HPBOSE) has released all the schedules of new dates for the conduct of TET examinations to be held in the entire Himachal Pradesh through notification today.
Chief Secretary of Himachal Pradesh School Education Board, Dharamshala, Dr. Vishal Sharma told Diary Times correspondent Kumud Sharma that for the conduct of TET examinations to be held in the entire Himachal Pradesh, the special examination centers created for the entire Himachal Pradesh will be held on Sunday, November 26. Notifications have been issued for all the shifts of examination for JBT candidates during the first session of 9 am on the day of 9 am and for all Shastri teachers during the second session of the evening.
Also, Chief Secretary of Himachal Pradesh School Education Board, Dharamshala, Dr. Vishal Sharma said that on Monday, 27th November, TET exam will be conducted for TGT non-medical candidates during the first session in the morning and for all language teachers during the second session in the evening. A timetable has been set for the event.
Dr. Vishal Sharma, Chief Secretary, Himachal Pradesh School Education Board, Dharamshala, said that all the candidates going to participate in the TET examinations will have to visit the official website of Himachal Pradesh School Education Board from Wednesday itself and check their TET exam application number and date of birth. All the TET examinations candidates can easily download Their admit card by submitting TET exam application number and date of birth.
To get all the notifications and official information for the TET examinations of Himachal Pradesh Education Board, all the TET candidates should contact the helpline phone number of Himachal Pradesh School Education Board Dharamshala office on 0189 224 2217, all the information Regarding TET examinations and solution of the problem Can be easily obtained Himachal Pradesh School Education Board Dharamshala office number on 0189 224 2217.
Tet Exam Tet Exam Date Tet Exam Time No. of Candidates No. of Centers
JBT Tet 26th November 10 am to 12:30 pm 7936 52
Shastri Tet 26th November 2 pm to 4:30 pm 2176 40
TGT Non Medical 27th November 10 am to 12:30 pm 7929 60
Language Teacher Tet 27th November 2 pm to 4:30 pm 3297 38
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