Sixty sheep and goats died due to lightning on Tuesday night in Shunkchang Thach of Manikarna Valley in Kullu district, while a sheep herder was also injured.
The incident took place around 2:30 in the night and it was raining heavily at that time. Twenty sheep and forty goats were included in these. Nine hundred and fifty sheep and goats were present there at the time of the incident and the sheep owners claimed to have killed hundreds of goats.
Former MP Mahendra Singh has demanded the government and the administration to give proper compensation to the sheep herders. On the other hand, Acting Deputy Commissioner Prashant Sarkak said that appropriate compensation will be given to the sheep herders as per the relief manual.
According to the information, sheep of fourteen and fifteen people are being told and there were three to four people who graze sheep. And this incident is in the Manikarna Valley by Shunkchang Thach, an area which is quite far from the road, two to three hours away.
It has been confirmed about the death of 20 sheep and 40 goats due to lightning here late in the night around 2.30 am, on which the officials went to the spot in the morning and they have confirmed this much.
Apart from this, the staff of the veterinary department has also gone. It has also come to notice that there is a possibility of more sheep being there, so orders have been given to the veterinary department. He is going to the spot with his team. Whatever number of cattle would have died in this. According to that provision of relief will be made to the people. So far, losses of Rs 4.5 lakh have been estimated in this.
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