Celebration of Sankranti festival in Lord Raghunath’s temple in Kullu – Khichdi was offered to Lord Raghunath
Solan, Sourabh Jaiswal:Â Special worship was also done on the day of Makar Sankranti in Raghunath temple of Kullu district. Makar Sankranti was celebrated by offering barley jujube to Lord Raghunath in the temple.
Lord Raghunath’s caretaker Danvendra Singh said that the festival of Makar Sankranti is celebrated specially in the temple and from this day Lord Suryanarayan comes towards Uttarayan.
He said that on Makar Sankranti, mainly khichdi prasad is prepared in the temple, in such a situation, this prasad is distributed among everyone after offering khichdi prasad to Lord Raghunath and silver jujube is offered to Lord Raghunath.
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The devotees and local people who came to Lord Raghunath’s temple said that in Kullu, the day of Makar Sankranti is celebrated as Magh Saje. On this festival, barley jujube is given to the elders in the area.
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