Entry restricted to Himachal Pradesh ministers’ offices: Approval process introduced to control crowds


Under the newly introduced arrangement, individuals will now have to obtain prior approval through email before being granted entry into the offices of these officials.


Himachal Pradesh Secretariat

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Shimla, August 23: With an aim to reduce overcrowding and improve efficiency, the Himachal Pradesh Secretariat has implemented new rules for those wishing to meet ministers, chief parliamentary secretaries (CPSs) and other key officials. Under the newly introduced arrangement, individuals will now have to obtain prior approval through email before being granted entry into the offices of these officials.

As per the revised protocol, with immediate effect, any person wishing to meet ministers or CPSs will first have to obtain approval for their visit from the concerned office. The process begins by the reception calling the branch of the concerned minister or CPS. If a meeting is deemed necessary, an email will be sent to the reception from the office of the minister or CPS, authorizing the issuance of entry passes. This new arrangement will be in effect from 10 am to 1 pm daily. After 2 pm, passes will be issued as per the previous arrangement without the need for any prior email approval.

The Department of Secretariat Administration has made these changes in response to growing concerns about unnecessary visitors disrupting functioning at the Secretariat. It was observed that some people were frequenting the Secretariat without any essential purpose, leading to congestion in corridors and offices, especially the offices of ministers and CPSs. The new rules are aimed at streamlining the process, ensuring that only those who have a valid reason to meet officials are allowed entry.

Departmental officials have highlighted that there are frequent cases when people gather outside the offices of ministers or CPSs even when these officials are not present, simply because they have obtained passes. The new system is designed to prevent such situations by requiring approval before issuing passes.

In addition, entry to meet Chief Minister’s advisors and Officers on Special Duty (OSDs) will also be regulated under this new system.

Kumud Sharma


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