Shimla News: Harshvardhan Chauhan Said- Decision On The Issue Of JOA IT, SMC Teachers Will Be Taken In The Budget Session.


Harsh Vardhan said that a Cabinet sub-committee has been constituted under the chairmanship of Deputy Chief Minister Mukesh Agnihotri in the previous cabinet on the issue of JOA (IT). He himself is also a member of it. Mukesh Agnihotri is not present at present due to the death of his wife, a committee meeting will be organized as soon as he returns.

Industry Minister Harshvardhan Chauhan - Photo: Diary Times

Industry Minister Harshvardhan Chauhan - Photo: Diary Times

  • Shimla News: Harshvardhan Chauhan Said- Decision On The Issue Of JOA, SMC Teachers Will Be Taken In The Budget Session.
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A decision on the issue of JOA (IT) and SMC teachers is going to be taken in the budget session.
The Chief Minister is serious on both these issues. That is why in the last cabinet meeting, a cabinet sub-committee has been constituted to resolve both the issues. These matters will also be discussed in the cabinet meeting to be held on Wednesday and efforts will be made to take a decision. Industry Minister Harsh Vardhan Chauhan said that the government is in favor of declaring the exam result of JOA (IT), but the prescribed procedure will have to be followed.

He assured the JOA (IT) and SMC teachers that the government is serious towards their demands and injustice will not be done to them under any circumstances.

Harsh Vardhan said that a Cabinet sub-committee has been constituted under the chairmanship of Deputy Chief Minister Mukesh Agnihotri in the previous cabinet on the issue of JOA (IT). He himself is also a member of it. Mukesh Agnihotri is not present at present due to the death of his wife, a committee meeting will be organized as soon as he returns. The Cabinet Sub-Committee will convey its recommendations to the Cabinet and the Cabinet will take a decision in favor of JOA (IT).

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Kumud Sharma

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