Study Reveals: Addiction To Smoking, Tobacco And Alcohol Starts In Childhood.
The entire study has been conducted on 2855 adolescents and youth of Himachal Pradesh. The entire study has been conducted in 12 blocks of Himachal Pradesh capital Shimla, Kinnaur, Kangra and Sirmour districts. The entire study has revealed that the addiction of smoking, tobacco and alcohol is increasing among the children of Himachal Pradesh since adolescence.
Do not smoke (Indicative) - Photo: Social Media
Addiction to smoking, tobacco and alcohol is increasing among the children of Himachal Pradesh since adolescence. The entire study has been disclosed in a joint report by experts from the National Center for Public Health of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bengaluru, the State Directorate of Health and Family Welfare and the Division of Adolescent Health of the Union Health Ministry. Dr. Pradeep Banandur, Dr. Gururaj Gopalkrishna, Dr. Zoya Rizvi and Dr. Gopal Beri have played an important role in preparing the entire report.
The entire study report has been conducted on 2855 adolescents and youth of Himachal Pradesh. The entire study was conducted in 12 blocks of Himachal Pradesh capital Shimla, Kinnaur, Kangra and Sirmour districts. The entire study to prepare the report was carried out in the form of a survey in twelve identified blocks of Himachal Pradesh capital Shimla, Kinnaur, Kangra and Sirmour districts. The entire study report has found that 213 children of Himachal Pradesh have smoked at some time or the other since childhood. Mainly 200 boys and 13 girls from Himachal Pradesh were included for the entire study report.
Out of the entire study report, 127 children were also found to be smoking at the time of the survey. 122 boys and five girls from Himachal Pradesh were included in the entire survey.
In the entire survey report, if we talk about children below 15 years of age in Himachal Pradesh, their number was 35. 32 boys and three girls surveyed were below 15 years of age. Also, 130 children in the age group of 15 years to 18 years were included in the survey, of which 124 boys and six girls were in the age group of 15 years to 18 years. Also, 48 youth in the age group above 18 years were included in the survey. Of them, 44 boys and 4 girls were included in the survey.
If we talk about children who chew tobacco in Himachal Pradesh, 35 children had chewed tobacco at least once in their childhood. 34 boys and one girl were included in the tobacco survey. During the survey also, 16 children were found chewing tobacco, out of which 15 boys and one girl were found chewing tobacco.
The survey also found that 208 children from Himachal Pradesh had consumed alcohol in childhood. In the survey, 177 boys and 31 girls had consumed alcohol in childhood.
155 children of Himachal Pradesh were found consuming alcohol even during the survey. Those who consumed alcohol included 140 boys and 15 girls from Himachal Pradesh.
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