Himachal Pradesh – Land Revenue Amendment Bill Passed Amid Opposition in the State Assembly – Revenue Officers Will Have to Complete The Work Within Nine Months
The State Land Revenue Amendment Bill has been passed in the Assembly amidst opposition’s opposition. With the passing of this bill, now the revenue officers will have to settle the works of the people within a stipulated time and punitive action will be taken against the revenue officers who do not do so.
Himachal Pradesh - Land Revenue Amendment Bill Passed Amid Opposition in the State Assembly - Revenue Officers Will Have to Complete The Work Within Nine Months
The Himachal Prradesh State Land Revenue Amendment Bill has been passed in the Assembly amidst opposition’s opposition.
With the passing of this bill, now the revenue officers will have to settle the works of the people within a stipulated time and punitive action will be taken against the revenue officers who do not do so.
According to this amendment bill, any revenue officer will have to complete the settlement, marking department and other such works within a maximum of nine months.
In response to the discussion on the bill, Revenue Minister Jagat Singh Negi said that at present there are twenty seven thousand settlement marking departments in the state.
About twenty-three thousand cases of partition and more than twenty-five thousand cases of partition are pending.
He said that only after deliberating on the huge pending number of revenue cases, the government has decided to amend the bill.
Jagat Singh Negi said that the revenue officers Nine months is enough time to complete its work.
The amendment of this land revenue act is also historical.
It is being amended after almost 69 years. If you see, more than twenty-five thousand demarcation cases are pending in our country. Similarly.
The period of time which is called as mutation case is also about twenty-six and twenty-seven thousand.
Similarly, the case of partition is also pending for about twenty-seven thousand and due to it being pending for so long, amendments have been brought in it.
Through this amendment, we have given powers to our officers, our collectors, those who decide this, to decide this work with a time limit.
If the work is not done then there is something punitive on those officers which will be entered in their history or whatever method will be adopted so that the common man does not have to go to the tehsils and people get justice.
Whatever is the reason for this, this decision was taken.
On this issue, Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu said that the government held six meetings to amend the land revenue law and this law is being amended after sixty-nine years.
He said that this law will benefit lakhs of people of the state and the revenue will increase.
The work culture of the department will improve.
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