Unleashing the Nuclear Threat: Putin’s Shocking Withdrawal from the START Treaty

  • What is the START Treaty?
  • Why did Putin choose to back out from the same?
  • Global reaction to the same
  • What is the START Treaty?
  • The New START Treaty(New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty), which is officially referred to as the Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, strengthens the national security of the United States by setting measurable restrictions on all Russian intercontinental-range nuclear weapons that are deployed. The United States and the Russian Federation had previously reached an agreement to prolong the treaty until February 4, 2026.
  • The New START Treaty was initiated on February 5, 2011, and according to its terms, both the United States and the Russian Federation were given a timeframe of seven years to fulfil the treaty’s primary goals regarding strategic offensive arms by February 5, 2018. Once these objectives were met, both nations were obliged to retain the established limits for as long as the treaty was in effect.
  • The treaty sets restrictions on the quantity of intercontinental-range nuclear weapons that can be deployed by both the United States and Russia. The most recent extension of the treaty took place in early 2021, providing a five-year extension and requiring the two nations to initiate negotiations for a new arms control agreement soon.
  • Why did Putin choose to back out from the same?
  • Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, has declared the suspension of his country’s participation in the New START nuclear arms reduction treaty with the United States. This decision puts in jeopardy the sole remaining agreement that regulates the world’s two most significant nuclear arsenals.
  • As per the Russian state news agency TASS, the Federation Council, which is the upper house of the Russian parliament, passed a bill unanimously that suspends Russia’s participation in the New START treaty. President Putin introduced this bill in the parliament, and now it is being passed in the lower house. It is important to note that the decision to reinstate Russia’s involvement in the treaty can only be taken by President Putin himself.
  • During his much-delayed annual state of the nation address to Russia’s National Assembly on Tuesday, Putin announced the decision to suspend his country’s participation in the New START nuclear arms reduction treaty with the United States.
  • However, hours after Putin’s speech, Russia’s Foreign Ministry declared that the decision to suspend their participation in the treaty was subject to change and could reverse.
  • The New START treaty has essentially been suspended due to President Putin’s recent refusal to allow inspections of Russia’s nuclear arsenal.
  • According to experts, the ongoing tensions between the Russian Federation and Ukraine are the primary deciding factor for President Putin on whether to resume and rejoin the New START treaty with the United States.
  • Russia’s Foreign Ministry released a lengthy statement on its website, addressing the decision to suspend participation in the New START Treaty, stating that the decision is “reversible.” The ministry called on the US to show political will and create conditions for the resumption of the full functioning of the Treaty. The statement urged the American side to refrain from any steps that could prevent the resumption of the New START in the event that the necessary conditions mature. The ministry also stressed that Russia would continue to respect the nuclear weapons limits set under the treaty.
  • Global reaction to the same
  • When asked about Mr Putin’s decision to back out of the treaty, President Biden reportedly looked at the reporter and smiled before responding, “Big mistake.” He then walked into a photo session with other leaders.
  • Russia is not entirely withdrawing from the pact, but it seems to be formalizing its current position. US officials have been expressing frustration over Russia’s lack of cooperation with the agreement for several months.
  • He was joined by other Western allies, like France and the United Kingdom, which called on Putin to reverse the suspension. A spokesperson for British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak told CNN that Britain hopes Putin will “reconsider his rash decision.”
  • US Secretary of State Antony Blinken Criticizes Putin’s Decision to Suspend New START Treaty as “Deeply Unfortunate and Irresponsible” While Biden Administration Remains Open for Talks.
Kumud Sharma
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