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Himachal Pradesh government to strictly enforce Street Vendors Act, vendors to face penalty for violations

Himachal Pradesh government to strictly enforce Street Vendors Act, vendors to face penalty for violations

Shimla, September 15: The Himachal Pradesh government has announced that it will strictly enforce the Street Vendors Act 2014 across the state, aimed at streamlining the unregulated tehbazari system in major towns and cities. As the government takes steps to address the growing problem of overcrowding and illegal vending practices in the market, vendors operating outside the designated areas or in front of shops will face penalties.

The Street Vendors Act, initially implemented in Shimla in 2016-17, was enacted to regulate street vendors and provide them with dedicated vending zones. The Shimla Municipal Corporation was the first corporation in India to adopt the act, but its enforcement has become lax in recent years. This has led to a rise in the number of unregulated vendors, especially in front of shops, leading to narrowing of roads and frustration among local traders.

Local shopkeepers are also reportedly charging money from the vendors to allow them to sit in front of their shops, further worsening the situation. According to senior state officials, the government wants to curb such illegal activities by ensuring strict compliance of the Street Vendors Act.

Now, the Act will also be implemented in other major municipal bodies including Dharamshala, Solan, Mandi and Palampur. The government will identify and notify specific vending zones in these areas, giving designated places to vendors to set up their shops. Apart from this, facilities will be provided to ensure a more organised and regulated environment in these areas.

Former Shimla Mayor Sanjay Chauhan said that during the implementation of the Act, a list of 583 vendors was made in Shimla and they were allotted specific places. However, the issue has been largely neglected since the BJP government came to power in 2017.

The Assembly Speaker will soon constitute a street vending committee to review the Act and suggest improvements for its implementation. This committee will work closely with the municipal bodies to effectively implement the Act in Himachal Pradesh.

The government’s decision to revive and implement the Street Vendors Act comes amid growing public protests, as market congestion continues to pose challenges in various district headquarters, including the capital Shimla. With strict rules and penalties for violations, the government hopes to restore order and resolve long-standing issues related to unregulated vending.

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