Dr. Rajeev Bindal called the two-year tenure of the state government disappointing

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Dr. Rajeev Bindal called the two-year tenure of the state government disappointing
Shimla, 04 December:
On one hand, the state Congress government is going to celebrate the completion of two years of its tenure in the state on December 11, while on the other hand the opposition is preparing to protest across the state over the failures of the government.

BJP state president Dr. Rajeev Bindal has targeted the Congress government in a press conference. Dr. Bindal called the two-year tenure of the state Congress government disappointing and said that the state government is celebrating lies and deceit.

Bindal said that the BJP will hold a dharna in all the districts of the state from December 7 on the failures of the Congress and will tell the public about the failures of the state government.

He has accused the state government of breaking promises.

Sourabh Jaiswal

Journalism with fairness, honesty, confidence and inquisitiveness. Passion started with Cricbuzz in 2004. HT Media carved it. Polished in Hindustan and Diary Times gave it shine. Journey continues with Diarytimes.com. Interested in writing, travelling and exploring new things. Funda of life: Everyone has two paths, run or part. I choose to participate instead of running away.

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