Travel from Shimla to Rashtrapati Niwas is free, free bus facility available on Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Free bus facility is being provided to the tourists and people who wish to visit here. This bus is being run from near the parking of Shimla’s lift to Chharabra. Travel in this HRTC bus is completely free. People who wish to visit the President’s residence can take advantage of this facility. Currently, this free bus facility is being provided on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Rashtrapati Niwas
Shimla, July 27: Shimla is a city of historical buildings, every building built during the British rule here has a story in itself. There is one such building built in the year 1850, which was constructed by the King of Koti. In the month of April in the year 2023, the Rashtrapati Niwas was also opened for the general public. On 25 July, the current President of the country Draupadi Murmu has completed her two-year term.
On this occasion, a special facility is being provided by the President’s residence. Free bus facility is being provided to the tourists and people who wish to visit here. This bus is being run from near the parking of Shimla’s lift to Chharabra. Travel in this HRTC bus is completely free. People who wish to visit the President’s residence can take advantage of this facility. Currently, this free bus facility is being provided on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
In the year 1860, the King of Koti had constructed this historic building. At that time, there was only one floor here. In the year 1860, M.C. Commissioner Lord William took this building on lease from the King of Koti. At that time, he paid a huge amount of Rs. 2,825 to take this building on lease. In the year 1890, two floors were constructed in this building. This historic building is spread over 10,628 square feet.
Before independence, the Viceroy used to live in this historic building. He used to come here on weekends from the Viceroy Lodge building built on Observatory Hill. This Viceroy Lodge building is today known as the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, which was completed in the year 1888.
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